Sun 12 Jan
TS*SExy Nude body rubs* Nice petite beauty *Satisfation gareenteed 100 !!!!! - 23
(South Jersey, SOUTH JERSEY....295...rt130 south...24hr)
Fri 10 Jan
OUt Of tOWNEr •.♥ •:*BARBiE ★ FaRRaH*:• ♥.• PiX••••••►100%ME PENNS GROVE !! - 24
(South Jersey, PENNSGROVE NJ)
◄ █ █ █ █ Drip ☆ Drop ☆ BDSM Fun ☆ Dnt Stop VISITING NoW!! Ts.April BridgeWater$ █ █ █ █ ► - 23
NEWARK AIRPORT here I am!!! GISELLE DRILLER 8 uncut fully functional heavy shooter - 25
(Central Jersey, Cherry Hill, Jersey Shore, NEWARK AIRPORT, North Jersey, South Jersey)
Thu 09 Jan
Big Booty Cutie FaceTime me💖1000% the real Deal💜 Exotic Hottie w amazing hot body Busty & Hung 🍆 - 23
(Right across tacony Palmyra Bridge, South Jersey)
Wed 08 Jan
Don't Let 1 Bad Experience Ruin 'Em All (Visiting with GUARANTEED 11inch of fun) !!! - 19 - 20
(Tacony Pamyra Bridge)
Tue 07 Jan
Х.♥ Х:*ии*:Х,TS ♛PRiNCeSs Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ PAiGe.Х:*ии*:Х ♥.Х LiMitED tiME ONlY !!!! $60 SPECIAL!!! 10AM-4PM - 22
(South Jersey, MT LAUREL!!! EXIT4 OFF NJTURNPIKE!!!!!!)
AC LONG LASTING - T.S.Lola..Adult Star w/10*TOY MEGA 267 588 8455 - 23
(South Jersey, Atlantic City Nj /Surrounding Area)
✖️✖️✖️Outs to tomsriver / brick or come to me in asbury park ❌💯% white ❌TS Alexis Adamz - 28
(South Jersey, Time river/ brick or cum2me in asbury)
⛔️ ATTENTION ⛔️ BTTMS WANTED❗️✄------ CUT Out The FAKES 💯% real TS Miss Mistress 🅰️lpha Shemale ‼️ - 27
(Clementon park surrounding areas, South Jersey)
Mon 06 Jan
◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢ PURE ◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢ EXOTIC ◢◤◢◤◢◤◢ SECRET ◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢ PLEASURE ◤◢◤BAMBI◢◤◢◤◢ - 26
(South Jersey, Mt.laurel // Cherry hill)
Fri 03 Jan