Mon 27 Jan
° °==° °Sexy Ebony *Bombshell* Available Right Now° °★° ° Dont Wait morning specials - 21
(South Jersey, Incall rt .73)
► № ➊ SeXy Dirty~Blonde ❤ Ready to please YOU in Ways Your Girlfriend Wont! - 30
(South Jersey, rt 295/ rt 73/ rt 70 incall /outcall)
:* ☆ ¨*: Rocking Rachel Incalls TODAY off 73 & 295 :* ☆ ¨*: - 37
(South Jersey, SNJ, area incall rt 73)
Relaxation @ it's finest ❤️☃️Young Experienced ATTENDANTS☃️ 🍁🚨 NEW OPENING TODAY! 🍁🚨 Burlington Pike 🚨🍁 - 24
(Burlington Pike ROUTE 130 S, Camden, South Jersey)
*¨¨* SATISFACTION ×X× *¨¨*IS*¨¨* MY ×X× *¨¨* BEST *¨¨* QUALITY! ×X× *¨¨* GUARANTEED * - - 22
:* ☆ ¨*: Rocking Rachel incall Mt Laurel! EARLY am avail - 37
(South Jersey, SNJ, area incall rt 73)
💯R£AL★♡☆ [ I AiM †o Pl∈AS∈! ] ♡☆ GIRL NEXT DOOR 》》》★ B I G BOOBS ! ! ♡☆ ★ SiMpℓy* the *BEST!!★♡☆💯% - 22
(South Jersey, Mount Laurel / Incall Only / Rte 73)
☆ Rachel incall MORNING till 11am off 295 & 73 ! OUTcall Atlantic City - 37
(South Jersey, SNJ,MtLaurel incall,Atlantic City out)
☆ Rachel incall TODAY off 295 & 73 ! OUTcall Atlantic City - 37
(South Jersey, SNJ,MtLaurel incall,Atlantic City out)
💜💛💚💙 Pretty RedBone Skylar 💙💚💛💜 - 22
(Camden, Cherry Hill, South Jersey, Visiting☆Maple Shade/Rt.73.Incall Only)
★ New Pics ★ ╠╣OT SeXy Blonde Ready to please You in ❤ Ways Your Girlfriend Wont! - 30
(South Jersey, rt 295 • rt 73 • rt 70 incall / outcall)
Sun 12 Jan
W A R N I N G *** (((( H. O. T. T. E. S. T.. B. L. O. N. D. E.. Around Town ))) *** W A R N I N G - 21
Sat 11 Jan
🍎🍎🍎Stunning Sexy Busty Japanese Girls Fantasy Happy Time + Wonderful Great Top 10 Skills Bady Rub - 22
(Cherry Hill, Mount Laurel Maple Shade Route 73, South Jersey)
★╠╣alloween ╠╣ ✪ ✪ K up ! ★ SeXy Green Eyez ♡ You'll be Glad You CAME ! - 29
(South Jersey, rt 295 • rt 73 • 70 incall & outcall)
🍎🍎🍎Stunning Sexy Busty Japanese Girls Fantasy Happy Time + Wonderful Great Top 10 Skills Bady Rub - 22
(Cherry Hill, Mount Laurel Maple Shade Route 73, South Jersey)
SPECIALS _____ SOO NawTee _____ SOO DeLiCiOUs _____ SOO FrEaKy _____ SOO ReADY _____ SPECIALS! - 25
(Rt 73 Incall/Outcalls)
New!! __ Slim and Slender, Sexy and Ten-der!! - °o° - Chocolate Cherry Indulgence!! __ New!! - 20
(73 incall)
▄ ▀ FREAKY EBONY BABES UP REAL LATE ▄ ▀ ▄ Very Right Now - 21
(South Jersey, Mt LAUREL AREA / UPSCALE INCALL / 73)
🍓F l a w l e s s💕👑🐝💯%R⃣E⃣A⃣L⃣★😈👅💦 ⓟⓔⓣⓘⓣⓔ & ⓚⓘⓝⓚⓨ★🎀⭐️🌙🐯 Upscαℓε P⃣E⃣R⃣F⃣E⃣C⃣T⃣ 🔟 🙈🔥👙 - 25
(Cherry Hill, Incall Mt laurel maple shade 73 38, South Jersey)
!!!! Forget the rest im the best passionate non-rushed session 24/7 $$$$ 60 special $$$$ - 21
(South Jersey, maple shade/ mt.laurel 73/38 INCALL ONLY)
RORRiE Shae.. NEW & visiting FEW DAYS ONLY! a LADY of LE!SURE! Busty, Slender & Erotic.. 8O SPEC!AL! - 32
(South Jersey, Incall Only! Maple Shade! Mt. Laurel (73)
IncaLLs! **** (((( **** _____ WiLD FoR The wEEkeND BaBY!! _____ **** )))) ***** InCaLLs!! - 26
(73 incall outcall)
InCaLLs!! =~~~ ☆ BLonDe KiTTeN! ☆ KinKy SpEciaLs!! Now! ☆ ~~~= InCaLLs!! - 26
(Rt 73 Mt Laurel, Incall/Outcalls)
Fri 10 Jan
o°• •°o♥ MY ♥o°• CANDY • °o♥o°• SHOP •°IS°• OPEN $$60$$ SPECIALS •°o♥ - 20
(South Jersey, ===>rt.73 incall)
********** XxXtRemE FReAK ********* NaUgHtY N*yMpHo******* ULtiMaTe PLeAsUrE ******** - 21
Spend Ur Morning wit My 36H Nat TiTs and 42in Nat BOOTY!!! 120 Special til 12pm!! Best Service!! - 24
(South Jersey, Mt Laurel rt 73 incall)
SPECIAL 50 $$$ Passionate patient non rushed 24/7 bubbly personality hunny ;-) - 20
(South Jersey, maple shade rt. 73/ 38/295 INCALL ONLY)
( ( ( NEW HERE ) ) )Victoria my #1goal is pleasure!!! 100 SPECIAL!!!! - 21
(South Jersey, Morristown rt. 73 incall)
... New ExOTic BeAuTy In ToWn ... EaRLy BiRd SpECiALs ... SiMpLy MoUTh WaTeRiNg ... - 23
(rt 73 Mt. Laurel Incall!!!)
Hello Mount Laurel💖💖💖💖 Tara 💖💖💖💖 💲80 SPECIAL💲In Mount Laurel!!! - 20
(Cherry Hill, Mount Laurel Route 73 Incall Only, South Jersey)
$6اP© █—❤—█ ĦℑḠĦℒУ $ḲℑℒḺ€Ḏ ℙℒѦẎℳѦṰℰ █—❤—█ ❤ ℑ ℒσ℣℮ ₩ℏѦт ℑ ḋϴ & Ẏ◎Ü ẘЇℒℒ ṫỚ◎ ❤100% ℛℰѦℒ █—❤—█$6اP© - 21
(South Jersey, ❤❤MOUNT LAUREL❤❤INCALL❤❤ RTE 73)
*ஐ*° Can U Melt N My °*ஐ Not N My Hand °*ஐ*° $100hr til 12pm 36H Nats!! - 24
(South Jersey, Mt Laurel rt 73 incall)
Thu 09 Jan
**-:¦:-* Sweet Chocolate Bunny! *-:¦:-* Sp!nner Curves *-:¦:-* Amazing Skills *-:¦:-** - 20
(38, 73 incall)
★ New Pics ! ★ Monday Night ╠╣ ✪ ✪ K up ! ★ SeXy Green Eyez ♥ Excellent Massages! ! - 29
(South Jersey, rt 295/ rt 73/ rt 70 incall /outcall)
l( @ ) ( @ )I super busty incall Off 73 & 295 - outcall Atlantic city - 37
(South Jersey, SNJ incalls,Atlantic city outcalls)
°•► Do You Like What I have on ? °•★ Fetish Friendly ● Great Massages ! - 29
(South Jersey, rt 295/ rt 73/ rt 70 incall /outcall)
( / B 00 T Y \\ ) & ( // B3 @ U T Y \\ ).............( // B R @ ! N S \\ ) & ( // B 00 B ! 3 S \\ ) - 20
(Rt.73 incall)
▓ SUBURBAN BABE ▓ Loves to Please!!! ASK ABOUT A 2 GIRL SHOW / Rt 73 - 21
.*♥*. NeW ExOTiC BOmBShELL .*♥*. HOTT SPECiALs .*♥*. WaNNA PLaY .*♥* - 21
★ Monday Pre - GAME H✪✪K up ! ★ SeXy Green Eyez ♡ You'll be Glad You CAME ! - 29
(South Jersey, rt 295 • rt 73 • 70 incall & outcall)
~*~ Morning Special wit Extremely Thick Ebony Goddess!! 36J Nats 60/100/140 til 12pm!!! - 25
(South Jersey, Mt Laurel rt 73 incall)
60*!*!*!* MOuTh WaTeRiNg CuRvEs !*!*! TOE CuRLiNG ABiLiTiEs !*!*! BeWaRe !*!*! VErY ADDicTiNG*!* 60 - 21
*4oDD 28 34* REV!EWED --[New] 2 Area-- BUSTY Ebony! a EXOT!C Affair 8O SPEC!AL! Ms. RORRiE Shae! - 32
(South Jersey, Incall Only! Maple Shade! Mt. Laurel (73)
$pecials ▬ BiG B◯◯TY JUiCYxO ▬ ViSiTiNG ★ NEW PICS & ViDEO LiNK iNSIDE ★Perky BOObs & PHAT AXX !! - 20
(South Jersey, Mapleshade ( 73 ) Mt Laurel - -INCALL !!)
Wed 08 Jan
*-:¦:-* *¨¨**| Y O U R_ D R E A M_ C O M E _ T R U E! **:*-:¦:-* - - 22
(38, 73 incall outcall)
SKIP the FAKES!!!💕🐰💕 IndUlgE in R€ALNE$$🍭🍬👸🍬 💕 GORGEOUS BLONDE💕 - 21
(Cherry Hill, mount laurel ,Rt.73 ,moorsetown incall, South Jersey)
NEW YORK"S StAr Big B00tY 47 incher Naturally Gifted Mizz RoZaY Come Taste Me - 21
(mt.laurel route 73 $50 incall)
°•★•° New GirL! °•★•° SeXy Green Eyez ~ Brown Hair ! °•★•° You'll be Glad You CAME ! - 29
(South Jersey, rt 295 • rt 73 • 70 incall & outcall)
NEW :¦: :¦:S E X Y :¦: :JAPAN : ----- :N.A.U.G.H.T.Y: --- :¦G!RL:¦: :ღ:¦: - 25
(South Jersey, Mt laurel/Maple Shade/RT 73(INCALL))
( ~ ★ My Mesmerizing SENSUALITY Will SOOTHE Away All of Your STRESS ★ ~ ) - 21
(South Jersey, Mt Laurel, NJ ~ RT 73 Incall Only)
New! DOMINICAN 🇩🇴 �💦💯%REAL KELLY☑Clean ☑Sexy Mixed Barbie💦💃 ☑ - 22
(Cherry Hill, Incall Cherry Hill Rt 73 MT. Laurel, South Jersey)
~*~ Morning Mouth Massage Only!! 36J Nats!!! 60/80 Mouth Only Special!!! - 25
(South Jersey, Mt Laurel rt 73 incall)
°•★•° New GirL! °•★•° SeXy Blue Eyez ~ Brown Hair ! °•★•° You'll be Glad You CAME !!! 💥 - 29
(South Jersey, rt 295 • rt 73 • 70 incall & outcall)
Guess What Boys? ~~~ I Can't Sleep! ____ All Natural 34-23-36 Island Beauty ... Up Now!! - 21
(73 incall)
Tue 07 Jan
STuNNiNG PETITE LITTLE TREAT ★ AmAZiNg __*EXoTIC Ebony MiiXed $60 specials - 21
(Mt. Laurel InCall Route 73)
********* SExY **** FReAkY ****** SaTiSFyiNG ******** ALaNa LoVe ******* HoTT SpeciALs ********** - 21
New! DOMINICAN 🇩🇴 �💦💯%REAL KELLY☑Clean ☑Sexy Mixed Barbie💦💃 ☑ - 22
(Cherry Hill, Incall Cherry Hill Rt 73 MT. Laurel, South Jersey)
___ ALL ST☆R KinKY BlonDe! Up LaTe!! 3 DDD FuNLanD___ LET"S HaVE sUm FUNNN! __ - 26
(Rt 73 Mt Laurel, Incall/Outcalls)
🔥 Smoking Hot Brunette !🔥 Stunning Skillz 💎 Athletic Body 💎 AmazinG Skill & TaLent ! - 22
(South Jersey, rt 73 • rt 70 • rt 41 Incall / outcall)
(¯`💋 New In Town 💋´¯) (¯`💋 SEXIEST GIRL YOU'LL EVER MEET 💋'´¯) (¯`💋 Experience Euphoria 💋´'¯) - 24
(Cherry Hill, Mt Laurel ~ Rt 73 Incall and Outcalls, South Jersey)
☆ ((N3W)) R3@L & R3@DY 4 Y0U ☆ - 21 - 21
(South Jersey, Maple Shade/Mt. Laurel~RT.73*InCall)
$$$$ 50 SPECIAL 50 $$$$ Call Now Available 24/7 non rushed passionate and Cute !!! New pics !!!! - 21
(South Jersey, maple shade rt. 73/ 38/295 INCALL ONLY)
***** Lingerie AND Bikini Model..Your Unforgettable BLONDE BOMBSHELL M.MonRoe ***** - 29
(South Jersey, BERLIN- INCALL)
👅🙏🅿ipe ʟօʋɛʀ 😏😻😻💦💦💯_REAL ~ Tirɛd Of Faҡes !! ☎ Caʟʟ tɦɛ Bɛst💫 4ɢɛɨ tɦɛ Rɛst 😈💏💏💏 - 25
(Cherry Hill, Incall Mt laurel maple shade 73 38, South Jersey)
Mon 06 Jan
(South Jersey, Maple Shade/RT 73(INCALL ONLY))
THIS *¨¨*.S E X Y .*¨¨*. B U N N Y.*¨¨*. IS * READY * 2 *¨¨*.H O P.*¨¨* ON .*¨¨*. IT!! - 25
(Rt 73 Mt Laurel, Incall/Outcalls)
*ஐ*° The BEST N TOWN 36h-30-42 All Nat!!! °*ஐ $100Hr til 12pm!!! °*ஐ*° - 24
(South Jersey, Mt Laurel rt 73 incall)
____ ))) LaTe * Night ^ Fun * WiTH ^The === ❶ === ThaT * CaNNoT ^ Be * OuTdoNe!! (((_____ - 26
(73 incall/outcall)
dont miss this tasty treat WELL WORTH IT Great rates so Sexy and Sassy ur perfect ebony !!!! - 24
(South Jersey, maple shade/ mt laurel 295 rt.73 incall)
Sexy ebony 36D 26 36 5'3 138 hazel eyes Fat azz $$$ 75 SPECIAL $$$ - 24
(South Jersey, maple shade/ mt.laurel 73/38 INCALL ONLY)
JUST ARRIVED FROM CALI, ((( SUPER.. SEXY ))) .... Real pix just taken now... - 23
(South Jersey, route 73 mount laurel incall)
Down To Earth, Real and Safe! Cute, Redhead College Girl! For Those Who Like More! ☺ - 21
(73, 295 incall)
*ஐ*° Can U Melt N My Mouth °*ஐ Not N My Hand °*ஐ*° $100hr til 12pm 36H Nats!! - 24
(South Jersey, Mt Laurel rt 73 incall)
Sun 05 Jan
!!!! Forget the rest im the best passionate non-rushed session 24/7 CALL NOW !!!!!! - 21
(South Jersey, maple shade/ mt.laurel 73/38 INCALL ONLY)
☆ G U A ® A N D - ☆ § A i § F A C i O N ☆ - 22
(South Jersey, ☆ Rte 73 Incall ☆)
Sat 04 Jan
¯`'•.¸ ★¸. •'´¯ Rocking Rachel Incall rt 73 and 295 Friday nov 2nd AM`'•.¸ ★¸. •'´¯ - 37
(South Jersey, SNJ,Mt Laurel,Atlantic City)
Real Life Swimsuit ~ Lingerie Pinup Doll! _ ~_ ~ _ Authentic And Real! --~-- Incalls & Outcalls! - 21
(Rt 73 incall/outcall)
°•★•° FriDay SpeciaL °•★•° SeXy Green Eyez °•★•° You'll be Glad You CAME ! - 29
(South Jersey, rt 295 • rt 73 • 70 incall & outcall)
KiNKy BuSTy BLoNdE WiLd THinG! .^. DoWn & DiRTY :*: HoTT & ReAdY *:.♥ ;:*¨¨*:: SPeCiALS! - 26
(Rt 73 Mt Laurel, Incall/Outcalls)
@@@@ CLICK .. HERE @@@@ sUpEr .. SeXy ((( HoT .. N .. ReAdY ))) - 19
(South Jersey, Morristown rt 73 incall)
Fri 03 Jan